VNA / Senior Resource Association – Homebound Covid 19 Vaccine Services
VNA nurses will bring the vaccine to you, in your home!
If you or your loved one are homebound, please contact us by email or phone to schedule an appointment.
This is an important message from ALERT Indian River
On 4/14/21, Indian River County announced that the Department of Health in Indian River County will hold walk-up COVID-19 vaccine clinics at the Indian River County Fairgrounds drive-thru site during the month of April. These clinics will be open to the public and appointments are not required:
• Friday, April 16, 2021, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (450 first dose shots)
• Friday, April 23, 2021, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (450 first dose shots)
The County vaccination events at the Fairgrounds are currently utilizing the Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, which is authorized for persons 16 years of age and up. Residents who are 16 or 17 years old are required to have a parent or guardian present at the vaccination appointment to provide the standard consent for the vaccination. For information on persons who may consent to medical care or treatment of a minor, please see Section 743.0645, Florida Statutes.
Appointments are not required to receive the COVID-19 vaccine during the walk-up clinics on April 16 and 23. All residents must provide a valid ID to verify age. The County will continue to offer COVID-19 first dose appointments through the Everbridge waitlist system.
Florida Dept. of Health IRC
- Online waitlist
- Or (772) 226-4000 by phone for waitlist
- Moderna & Pfizer-Bio Tech
- Vaccinations at Fair Grounds
- Patients contacted for booster
Cleveland Clinic Florida
- No waitlist
- Online reservation
- (772) 410-0560
- Moderna & Pfizer-Bio Tech
- Vaccinations at 3 locations in Indian River County
- If booster not booked at time of 1st appointment, book through MyChart
Treasure Coast Community Health
- Reservations & waitlist by phone only (772) 257-8224
- Moderna & Pfizer-Bio Tech
- Vaccinations at multiple locations
- Patients inoculated Jan. 19-30 will receive booster 28 days later. Staff will confirm time/date 3-4 days prior to booster. February initial shots (Pfizer) will return in 21 days.
Whole Family Health
- 70 and older
- Online waitlist
- Or 1-888-976-9342, leave name, date of birth, phone number & county of residence.
- Moderna
- Prioritized by age and date of submission for the waitlist.
- 981 37th Place, Vero Beach, FL
- Staff notifying for boosters.
- Online reservations only
- The site opens at 7:00 AM on select days.
- Moderna
- Vaccination at 8 Publix stores in Indian River County
- Booster at same time 28 days later. Reminder by Postal service
- Online reservations only
- Moderna
- Locations in Vero Beach & Micco
- Booster scheduled automatically 28 days later.