Who We Are

To improve the quality of life of all Indian River County Seniors through a community collaboration of service providers, funders and advocates.

Our Origins
The Collaborative evolved from community leaders that had an interest in meeting needs of seniors in Indian River County. With the assistance of United Way of Indian River County, Senior Resource Association and Alzheimer & Parkinson Association a steering committee was formed. Under the direction of this committee and later the board of directors we began operations in January 2018. We also incorporated in August of 2018 and became a charitable organization with 501(c)(3) status in November of 2019. The mission goals and vision of the Senior Collaborative have remained the same from inception to today. We will link seniors with providers and services in Indian River County in multiple ways. We will try to advocate for improvements in Indian River County to allow seniors to have quality of life and age in place with inclusion in both the civic and social structure of Indian River County

Why A Collaborative?

Need for a collaborative:
The Comprehensive Needs Assessment for Adults Age 50 and Older in Indian River County defined a high priority “to work on collaborative efforts for seniors in all parts of the county towards the common goal of improving the status of residents age 50 and over” The needs assessment further discusses the need for collaboration. These are some of the comments from the study:

  • “We need connectivity of services and activities.”
  • “Many senior residents and service providers simply don’t know what services are available to them.”
  • “Senior services are under-marketed. The general community does not understand.”